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South Croydon Jumble Trail
& Street Sale

2023 Under New Construction
Please email us with any questions / suggestions

What is a Jumble Trail?

A jumble trail is like the very British idea of a "jumble sale", which you can find in village halls and schools across Britain, where everyone brings in things they want to sell, and all can come in search of a great bargain, or a chance item that may be "junk" to the seller, but a pleasing surprise for the buyer!

However, with a jumble trail, instead of selling things in one place, anyone in the area can join in and sell things right outside their flat or house. And you can follow the 'trail' from one home to the next, maybe getting a new feel for your community in the process.

For anyone with something to sell, it couldn't be easier. You just take your quality items and put them out your front door. Of course it helps to display things so people can see the benefits of what you have. Whether or not you sell many items, it should be a fun community activity, and for local businesses, it can often be a chance to gain new exposure.

As many people here speak English as a second language, or might not be familiar with the old tradition of the jumble sale, we decided to call this a Street Sale as well, keeping things as simple as possible!

If you have any comments or suggestions about the sale or the website, do feel free to contact us. We'd love to hear from you.